
Architecture Office PROEKTUS Partner-Architect Mark Safronov
Works in AM.PROEKTUS since 2000. Since 2010 - Chief Project Architect. Since 2015 - Partner-Architect.

Year of birth:



Moscow Institute of Architecture | Shibaura Institute of Technology | EDAS School of Architecture - Postgraduate

Current and recent projects:

- working documentation for the reconstruction project of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum together with the Studio of the Japanese architect Junya Ishigami and AM.GRAN Pavel Andreyev
- Krasnogorsk Apartment Block (20000 sq.m.)
- Dostoyanie Apartment Towers for Gals-Development
- the new building of the State Institute of Cinematography - VGIK

Master plans of territories:
Business center "Almaz" (Baltiyskaya street)
Dorhimzavod (Berezhkovskaya Naberezhnaya)
Residential quarter in the city of Belgorod
Strogino District
Serp and Molot plant (56 Hec.) (1st place in the international competition in collaboration with MVRDV and Lap Landscape & Urban Design)
Support of the development of the project plan of the Ramenki district (Donstroy - LDA - UHA)
Numerous analyses of the possibility of complex development

Landscape concepts:
Crystal factory (3rd place in the international competition)
Grad-Park, Voronezh - (8 Hec) (current)

Mark Safronov is a member of Moscow Union of Architects, member of the National Chamber of Architects.

NOPRIZ certificate

BIM Revit Certificate



Yuri Safronov, Architect, Head of Architectural Studio PROEKTUS
Yuri Safronov
Architecture Office PROEKTUS Partner-Architect Mark Safronov
Mark Safronov
Rustam Kerimov | Partner-Architect| Architectural Studio Proektus
Rustam Kerimov
Руководитель Проектов Мария Гетманчук
#Project Manager
Maria Getmanchuk
Михаил Алексеев | Архитектурное Бюро ПРОЕКТУС
#Chief Structural Engineer
Mikhail Alexeev
Nail Nigmatulin | chief project engineer AM.PROEKTUS
#Chief Project Engineer
Nail Nigmatulin
Александр Рабинович | Архитектурное Бюро ПРОЕКТУС
Design of residential, public, medical buildings.
#Chief Architect
Aleksandr Rabinovich
Regina Baron Architect
#Leading Architect
Regina Baron
Виктория Рахманова
#Leading Architect
Viktoria Rakhmanova
#Leading Architect
Aleksandra Volk
Архитектор Ольга Симонович
#Leading Architect
Olga Simonovich
Irina Gracheva Architect
#Leading Architect
Irina Gracheva
Anton Podobulkin
Наталья Круглова | Архитектор
Natalia Kruglova
Юлия Бадья
#Interior Designer
Julia Badya
#Leading Structural Engineer
Mikhail Distler
#Structural Engineer
Marina Bondar
Сергей Романов
#Structural Engineer
Sergey Romanov
Marina Karpuhina
#Structural Engineer
Lubov Kuzina
Natalia Korystova
Виктория Здановская | Архитектурное Бюро ПРОЕКТУС
Viktoria Zdanovskaya
Василий Рогозин | Архитектурное Бюро Проектус
Vasiliy Rogozin